Monday, September 28, 2015

A Time for Rest

"Make the most of your time"

Redemption Hill Church launches its first service at  5:00 pm (prayer gathering) and 5:45pm (worship gathering) this Sunday Night (October 4th)- at 1309 Pierce Street- across from everyone's favorite burrito haven, La Juanita's. Many have asked why we chose such an unusual time for having a worship service.

In a nutshell, it's all about time. Time is fleeting. In our modern world, we have so many "time savers". Text messaging,emails, and online ordering have created more convenience, but we are losing time.  People work more, families rarely eat meals together, our health as a nation is failing due to inactivity, and people are exhausted. To be sure, churches often expedite that exhaustion. They fill our schedules, with really good things- events, classes and programs that help us grow spiritually, but the most important relationships in our lives still are crunched due to a lack of time.

To help in this war for time, we want families to have Sabbath- spiritual rest. Sunday is the Lord's Day, and we want people to enjoy it! Life is basically about what you worship and who you love. We want you to spend Sunday loving people that matter and worshiping the One that matters most. It may seem silly, but here's a few ideas on what to do on Sunday morning:

  1. Sleep a little later- We are not machines. Maybe getting an hour or two extra of sleep in the week may rejuvenate you more than you think
  2. Breakfast with family or friends- How about making every Sunday morning a day where people eat breakfast together and enjoy the fellowship?
  3. Devotional- Meet for coffee with a friend for a weekly devotional. Soon,I will put out some recommendations for devotional books , and some of my own personal helps that people can do in one-on-one or small group meetings.
  4. Movie- Star Wars? In December, I'm going. Grab a friend or take your kids- great memories.
  5. Search Sioux CIty- We live in a great city with a multitude of parks and a good riverfront with an underrated downtown. Go check it out.
  6. There are a million other ideas, but I hope you embrace rest in Christ.
In Christ,


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